YAY Today's Psychosocial Skills Program: The Path to a Better Life Starts Here

Have you ever felt lost, anxious, or simply overwhelmed by life? You’re not alone. The good news is that there’s a proven solution to these challenges: the development of psychosocial skills. YAY Today’s Psychosocial Skills Program is not just another course; it’s a transformative journey that can change your life for the better.

Socialisation, learning and encouragement

Our Psychosocial Skills Program is the perfect combination of socialisation, learning, and encouragement to positively improve your life.

group of people socialising- psychosocial skills program at yay today

What will you learn in the Psychosocial Skills Program?

Emotional Intelligence: Gain insights into understanding and managing emotions effectively, including self-awareness and self-care practices. Learn about fostering inclusivity through diversity training and mastering conflict resolution techniques for healthier relationships.

Effective Communication: Enhance communication skills by understanding the nuances of body language, improving listening abilities, and mastering vocal awareness. These skills enable clearer expression, better understanding, and confident communication in various personal and professional settings. 

Healthy Relationships: Develop friendship skills for building trust and resolving conflicts, practice safe dating principles emphasising respect and consent, and explore insights into navigating the dynamics of family relationships. These skills foster positive connections and promote harmonious interactions with others.

Independent Living Skills: Acquire essential skills for managing daily life, including executive function skills for organisation and decision-making, budgeting techniques for financial management, and goal-setting strategies for personal and professional development. Gain career development guidance to pursue aspirations effectively and navigate the path to success

Don't Waste Any More Time!

If you feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of negativity, now is the time to act. Don’t waste any more time! This program is the investment you make in yourself, and the benefits are priceless.

Limited Spots!

The program has a limited number of spots to ensure that each participant receives individualised attention. Contact us now to secure your place! Click the button below or reach out to us at the number 0435 644 313.

Next steps

Your journey starts here!

Are you ready for real transformation? Contact us right now to schedule your free consultation. Don’t put off what can change your life today. Click the button below and start the change!

"This program is the result of years of research and hands-on experience. We're here to offer a clear and effective path to improve your quality of life."
Priscila Maia
Managing Director of YAY Today

Our Vision

Our vision is to make life easy and enjoyable for people with disabilities, their carers and families. YAY Today will be your provider of choice.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create opportunities for positive change by promoting and supporting the full potential of individuals, the strengths of families, and the well-being of our community.

What We Value The Most?

Our Values

  • Quality of Life

    Enhancing Quality of Life Transparency Honesty Commitment.

  • Respect

    Respect and recognition of all regardless of disability.

  • Independent Living

    Promote independence and empowering individuals living with disability to lead a fulfilling life.

  • Diversity

    Celebrating diversity and Inclusiveness are the heart of everything we do.