STEPS TO Employment program

Steps To Employment Program at YAY Today: your journey to professional success starts here

We understand that the job search can be a challenging path, especially for individuals with disabilities. That’s why we’ve meticulously designed a NDIS-supported employment program to prepare you for the job market. Our goal is not just to provide you with the necessary skills but also to boost your confidence and encourage your independence in the workplace.

Growing your confidence

Confidence is the cornerstone of success, even in the professional world. Our program focuses on activities and exercises that help you gain confidence in your abilities and feel at ease in a professional setting

Building Your Motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind achievement. We’re here to help you discover that spark of motivation that fuels your desire to enter the workforce and make a positive impact on society.

Developing Your Professional Identity

Understanding your skills, interests, and passions is essential for building a strong professional identity. Our program offers guidance and resources to align your professional identity with your career aspirations.

Developing Vital Employment Skills

Our team of career experts works with you to develop a wide range of essential skills for the workplace, including effective communication, understanding employer expectations, following instructions, teamwork, health and safety, travel independence, workplace attire, budgeting and money management, job searching, resume and cover letter writing, time management, and more.

NDIS School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES):

YAY Today’s dedicated NDIS School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) coaching program is here to guide you through the transition from school to work or further studies. Our expert coaches provide support to explore your interests, acquire new skills, overcome uncertainties and anxiety, and build lasting connections with like-minded friends who share your passions.

Who Can Benefit from Our Services?

Our SLES program is tailored for school leavers facing challenges with social disconnection and navigating the post-school transition, especially those with SLES funding in their NDIS plan. We understand that transitioning from school to the workforce can be daunting, and our specialised coaching programs are designed to bridge the gap between your interests and job opportunities while fostering confidence and equipping you with employment readiness skills.

How Our Program Operates?

Every school leaver’s journey towards further education or employment is unique, and our program is customised to your individual passions and interests. We recognise your natural strengths and collaborate with you to explore how these passions can be applied in various aspects of your life, including further education and work opportunities. Additionally, we prioritize essential foundational skills like communication, time management, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and navigating the realms of employment and higher education. These elements are seamlessly integrated into your SLES funding as part of your NDIS plan. At YAY Today, we’re committed to empowering you on your path to success.

Employment program at yay today
Six workers posing for a photograph in a warehouse

Don't wait to be great, be great now!

If you’re reading this, it’s a sign that you’re ready to take the next step in your career. Don’t waste any more time! Contact us through the button below and start your journey to professional success today. 

The time is now!

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. If you’re committed to improving your professional life, now is the time to act. Our experts are ready to guide you every step of the way.

Want to learn more about the program content? Click the button below.

Next steps

Your Journey to Professional Success Starts Here

Are you ready to take the next step towards a successful career? Contact us right now to find out more about how we can assist you. Our team is eager to start working with you and help you achieve all your professional goals. For more information, call 0435 644 313 or send an email to

"At YAY Today, we are committed to providing an employment program that truly makes a difference in people's lives. We want you to achieve your professional goals and live a fulfilling, meaningful life."
Priscila Maia
Managing Director of YAY Today